

reliability 5 (very poor)


Updated July 8, 2010



GDP $2.3-billion 2011


Popluation 2011 5.3-million


Central budget 2011: Nafka 12,659-billion; US$843-million (exchange rate January 28, 2011)


Budget ~$150-million 2011 (speculative)




All figures must be regarded as educated guesses. With the end of the war with Ethiopia, a massive demobilization program was supposed to reduce the Army, which may have had a peak strength of 300,000, to about, to about 100,000. The return of tension with Ethiopia in 2003, continuing into 2011, may however mean that demobilization was reversed.


A problem with Eritrea Army estimates is the mobilization and demobilization of reserves takes place with great rapidity depending on requirements. This makes near impossible any reasonable close estimate. One source may say the Army had 200,000 troops in 2004, while another may say it was less than 150,000, and both might be right depending on what time of the year is being discussed.



Active: ~200,000 (UNDP estimate 2007) (~100,000 were to be demobilized)

Reserves ~120,000 (some may be active)




AHQ Troops


525th Commando Division

74th Mechanized Brigade[1]


A second mechanized brigade (or division) is part of the orbat.


4 Corps

            261st Corps

            371st Corps

            481st Corps

            591st Corps


20 divisions (~4-5000 strength)


            Were to convert to brigades as part of demobilization; we have no information

             on how many actually did.



[1] Also referred to as 74th Mechanized Division

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